So What if a Candidate Livestreamed Sex Acts with Her Husband?

Source: 9/12/23

Susanna Gibson, a Democratic nominee for a competitive seat in the Virginia House of Delegates, toppled a previously untouched political taboo this week when the Washington Post fairly reported that she and her husband had performed sex acts on the online forum known as “Chaturbate,” where the couple had 5,700 followers. And they solicited “tips” for performing requested moves.

Politicians have long transgressed polite society’s sexual boundaries. Members of Congress always seem to be getting busted for hiring prostitutes. A number of members have been convicted for having sex with underage pages. In the 1980s, one lawmaker, Rep. Barney Frank, lived with a male escort who said he ran his prostitution service out of Frank’s apartment. In the 1990s, Congress could have passed for a swingers club as a passel of high-ranking members, including Bob Barr, Dan Burton, Robert Livingston, Newt Gingrich, Henry Hyde and Pete Domenici engaged in sexual affairs. And, of course, in 1998, President Bill Clinton collapsed the day’s existing moral standards when he did the same with an intern inside the White House.

Before Ronald Reagan, it was inconceivable for a divorcee to run for president. Today, nobody cares. At one time, to have been discovered smoking dope or taking cocaine would end a candidate’s campaign. Not so now. As the old taboos have fallen, so will the new ones. Today, it might be tough for an adulterous candidate to win office and near-impossible for a married candidate who has had sex online with their spouse to succeed in politics. Past returns are no guarantee of future results in either finance or politics, but the day a video exhibitionist who solicits tips wins office may be before us soon.

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I’m no prude, but I understand that a society, especially a large city, is an unnatural human creation and essential for the amount of people on the planet. We must live together in some degree of harmony and unity, So we need laws. I can’t just take what is yours and vice versa, it just won’t work, as well, we need social norms which are part of a moral society. If everybody is doing whatever they want at any given time then we border on anarchy. Sex is part of human nature, but it is also an extremely powerful biological urge and needs some degree of restraint. We can agree that adults should not be taking advantage of minors, rape should be a serious crime, porn should be kept out of the work place as some may not want to see it. As for elected officials, we kind of hope that they will be an example of high standards. Making videos so lonely men can masturbate is probably best left to those who live in the industry. The porn industry is replete with drugs, alcohol, crime and abuse. A politician might want to distance themselves from that as a public lifestyle simply because we expect a politician to represent those societal norms that unite us. The porn industry is a salacious and controversial busness and not publicly accepted by all as a societal strength. If she wishes to make her money that way, then fine, maybe she can make even more than a politician, great, but then resign and go to it, but as long as she is representing all her constituents then try to adhere to that accepted societal norm that and accepted middle ground.

I read this on another major forum and the discussion was the alleged invasion of her privacy. She is free to do as she wants, but when she and her husband put it out there for the public to see and pay (tip) her on, then she is a performer doing it for the public in the public realm looking for compensation or reward. There is no invasion.

Sadly, it is like the registry in the information is already there, it is just being pushed further with a specific intended agenda in mind with consequences…their videos are taken and put out there with others who have just pushed it further out there for others to see and know about with a specific agenda (to get her unelectable).

I really don’t care what a candidate or elected official has done when it is completely legal to do this. I also don’t really don’t consider legally performed sexual acts – whether performed in a way that is available to the public or not – to be a character issue. It might not be a good choice if your running for office in the future but only because others have a different viewpoint. I would still vote for her if she was the best candidate to represent my own political views. That’s it.

And…how many candidates and/or elected officials might watch these live-streamed performances? Or engaged in similar online behavior themselves?

I think politicians should be enrolled on Registry so they can experience first hand.. also there is a high chance they are envolved in ongoing sex crimes.. Also its for the childrens safety